
Welcome to Prajna Dharma

Prajna Dharma Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports Jianhu Shifu's Buddhist practice and Dharma activities.
Jianhu Shifu offers online Buddhism classes, lectures, and local meditation workshops and retreats.

Correct understanding of the nature of life

Are you worrying about things in your life and work?

Here are a series of in-depth and simple learning resources to help you understand more about life.
Through the life-oriented Dharma, everyone has the opportunity to see clearly the root of afflictions.

everything happens for a reason

Are you looking for answers to your life?

Congratulations on coming to a suitable platform.
Sufficient and timeless wisdom and sharing can be provided here.

Half-Day Meditation

with Jianhu Shifu

 Ancient Wisdom, Mordern Practice
 Online Teaching, Offline Cultivation.

The Half-Day Meditation program is a bi-weekly event hosted remotely by Jianhu Shifu and broadcasted to a number of venues in different cities.
Participants of this "hybrid-style" meditation practice can benefit from both the online teaching of Jianhu Shifu and the offline cultivation wih the local group!

Awakening Hour

Meditation with Jianhu Shifu
Weekly Sessions on Sundays


Diamond Sutra Online Course

(Mandarin Chinese)

