2025 Oklahoma Buddhism Conference Explores Diverse Topics
(Reported by Prajna Dharma Press, Norman OK)
The University Buddhist Association at the University of Oklahoma, under the guidance of Professors Geoffrey Goble and Qiong Wang, successfully hosted a Buddhism conference on March 1, 2025, at the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center. The conference brought together Monastics, Buddhist scholars, students, and local Buddhists to explore the practice, psychology, and philosophy of Buddhism in contemporary society.

Jianhu Shifu Leads Meditation and Connects Satipaṭṭhāna to Bodhisattva Path

The conference began with Jianhu Shifu, founder of the Prajna Dharma Foundation and Abbot of Prajna Forest Monastery in California, leading attendees in chanting the Heart Sutra and meditation . During the meditation, Shifu guided participants in practicing whole body awareness , learning to notice the body's messages without judgment and maintain inner peace. It is then followed by Zen meditation to empty their minds and live in the present moment, without focusing on anything specific, allowing thoughts to come and go without following or rejecting them.
Jianhu Shifu then delivered an insightful Dharma lecture on how the practice of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna) serves as a foundational path toward Bodhisattva practice. The talk emphasized the importance of mindfulness in guiding practitioners toward liberation and the cultivation of compassion, essential for the Bodhisattva path.
Key Points of the Lecture:
The Importance of Satipaṭṭhāna:
Jianhu Shifu began by highlighting the Four Foundations of Mindfulness—mindfulness of the body, feelings, thoughts, and phenomena—as the cornerstone of Buddhist meditation practice. He explained that these practices help practitioners realize the nature of impermanence and no-self, leading to the cessation of suffering (duhkha). This foundational practice is essential for both Theravada and Mahayana traditions.
From No-Self to Compassion:
The lecture emphasized that Satipaṭṭhāna is not limited to understanding the "no-self of the person" but extends to the "no-self of phenomena" (Dharma). By observing the interdependent nature of all phenomena, practitioners can understand the emptiness of all things. This realization, Jianhu Shifu explained, is crucial for developing empathy and compassion, as it allows one to see the interconnectedness of all beings and their shared experiences of suffering.
Internal and External Observation:
Jianhu Shifu elaborated on the practice of both internal and external observations as stated in the sutra. By applying insights gained from observing one’s own body, feelings, and thoughts to others, practitioners can develop a deeper sense of empathy. This understanding forms the basis for Bodhisattva practice, where one not only seeks personal liberation but also strives to help others achieve the same.
Mahayana Perspective:
Citing Nagarjuna’s Mahāprajñāpāramitā Śāstra, Jianhu Shifu clarified that the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are not exclusive to the Theravada tradition but are integral to Mahayana practice as well. He emphasized that the Buddha taught these practices as a universal path to enlightenment, adaptable to the aspirations and capacities of all practitioners, whether they seek the path of a Śrāvaka, Pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva.
In his concluding remarks, Jianhu Shifu emphasized that Satipaṭṭhāna is about “seeing things as they truly are” (suchness), which naturally leads to the wisdom and compassion necessary for the Bodhisattva path, if one so aspires. He encouraged attendees to integrate these practices into their daily lives, emphasizing that mindfulness is not just a personal endeavor but a means to benefit all beings.

Bhante Santhapiya Delves into Satipaṭṭhāna and Consciousness

The other monastic speaker this morning was given by Bhante Santhapiya , from the Oklahoma Buddhist Vihāra. Bhante’s lecture explored the role of Satipaṭṭhāna in understanding the Buddha’s teachings on consciousness and its impermanent nature. He emphasized observing the body, feelings, mind, and phenomena to recognize their transient, unsatisfactory, and impersonal characteristics , helping practitioners avoid attachment and misapprehension. Bhante explained the six types of consciousness—eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind—and how they arise based on sensory contact, highlighting their impermanent nature. He referenced the Buddha’s dialogue with Brahmins and ascetics , stressing the importance of investigating internal and external phenomena to see reality clearly. Bhante also discussed the cultural adaptability of Buddhism, noting how teachings evolve to meet diverse community needs.
After a wonderful vegetarian lunch, the conference continued with scholars sharing their knowledge and experience.

Presentations by Scholars

Dr. Jon Kent Reid : from IBPS Dallas explored how to use mindfulness to cope with digital burnout in a highly connected digital age. He introduced the concept of a "Spiritual Oasis," a concept associated with Venerable Sik Hin Hung of Hong Kong (釋衍空,心靈綠洲), aimed at creating a mental and physical space of refuge. Dr. Reid also shared grounding exercises , such as mindfulness in tea drinking and calligraphy, to help people connect with the present moment. He emphasized that mindfulness must be coupled with wisdom and morality to achieve better mental health.
Dr. Wayne Stein gave an unusual presentation, illustrating mindfulness in martial arts with his decades-long training in Japanese Kendo , as well as “mindful dancing”. Dr. Weinstein also shared an amazing personal story of how he practiced 3 hours of mindful walking everyday for months which led to the remission of cancer cells in his body which the doctors had previously given up on.
Attorney and meditation teacher Haven Tobias focused on the Development of Buddhism in America , presenting three books on the subject: How the Swan Came to the Lake, Buddhism in America, and The Faces of Buddhism in America, noting the increasing role of lay practitioners in spreading Buddhism. She presented the concept of “Buffet Buddhism” to describe the current characteristics of American Buddhism, and expressed hope that, in the future, Buddhism in America would not need an adjective and would just be “Buddhism”.


Jianhu Shifu concluded the conference with a brief remark that American Buddhism exhibits diverse development and expressed hope that the traditional Sangha (monastic community) can also establish roots in the West, providing a more solid foundation for Buddhist practice and teaching. Shifu then recited the Three Refuges to bring the conference to a close.
The conference covered a wide range of topics, from the exploration of Buddhist philosophy, and its relationship to psychology, to modern mindfulness practices. Participants not only learned about Buddhist theoretical knowledge but also personally experienced meditation and mindfulness practices of different forms, which helped them integrate the Dharma into their daily lives.
Organizing faculty members Dr. Geoffrey Goble and Dr. Qiong Wang both stated that they wish to continue to hold similar events in the future to promote the development of Buddhism in Oklahoma.