Past Events and Feedback
Vancouver Journey of Awakening
Jianhu Shifu arrived at beautiful Vancouver to speak at the Journey of Awakening Forum at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre on Sep. 20, 2024. The Forum aims to seek ancient spiritual wisdom and integrate with global consciousness, via story telling, to help modern people find a path for spiritual growth and healing.
Jianhu Shifu used the “gift story” from Sutra of 42 Chapters and Bodhidharma’s “pearl story” to point out the great potential and freedom of choice inherent within us, and led a meditation to open the door to learning how to understand and use our mind.
The evening concluded with a wonderful guqin performance of “Wild Geese Alighting on Sandy Shore” by maestro Wang Peng, an expert at making and preserving the guqin (ancient 7-string Chinese zither) cultural heritage in China. The sounds stroke the hearts of everyone in the audience!
Shifu also held a Dharma chat session for local Vancouver disciples the next morning.
見護法師以《四十二章經》 佛陀送禮物的公案,點出我們受到別人謾罵的時候,接不接受乃自己可以選擇。從了解自心的自主性,講到達摩祖師自性寶珠的公案,原來「了知的這念心」才是世間最珍貴的寶物。而人人皆有此心,為何仍不自在?故最後又帶領大眾禪修,開啟學會「定心、明心」之路。會後許多當地的洋人及華人都對師父的開示表示深受啟發。
Kalavinka Choir Autumn Vesper
Kalavinka Choir was founded in 2022 by Jianhu Shifu, who serves as the spiritual director, alongside conductor Jenny Chiang. The choir embraces singing as a meditative practice, integral to Buddhist tradition, with the aim of sharing harmonious voices that inspire peace, joy, and positive energy throughout the world.
The choir's Autumn Vesper performance on September 22, 2024, showcased a diverse repertoire, drawing from Chan masters and Dharma teachings, as well as cherished Western classics. Through innovative ensemble work and vocal experimentation, the performance offered a fresh and uplifting experience for all who attended.
見護法師蒞臨指導 禪心梵音法喜禪悅
迦陵合唱團Kalavinka Choir, 於 9月22日於南灣舉辦了一場「秋收」家庭音樂會。
當天由姜靜芬指揮,莊淑棻鋼琴伴奏的【牧牛圖頌】展開序幕;此曲結合大合唱,獨唱,重唱由廓庵禪師作詞,黃友棣作曲闡述修行的十個層次 。接著各個聲部負責人帶領,相繼呈現女聲重唱【送別】【文殊咒】【燃燈之歌】【大海的故鄉】以及男聲重唱 【菩提樹】【西風的話】和 “You Raise Me Up”。
迦陵本季從4月開始,每兩週練唱一次,以鍛鍊音樂基本元素為主 - 涵蓋周昭妤老師的節奏訓練;洪嘉霙老師的聲樂班和每月一次的線上讀書會講座。其熱烈討論主題如 “The qualities of fine singing", "Vowel formation","Sectional characteristics" 和 "12 Tone Equal Temperament” 迦陵合唱團求變求新, 不忘初心。
音樂會最後在周昭妤老師指揮,合唱團首次嚐試的肢體節奏演出以及由羅馬尼亞民謠改編的 【阿彌陀佛】中圓滿。
音樂會後, 見護法師開示,「佛法藝術化」,合唱也是修行的方便法門。 團員以音聲與彼此、大眾廣結善緣。點點滴滴的因緣都是前世今世未來的修行助緣, 都值得珍惜,並鼓勵迦陵走出自己「禪樂一如」的一條路!
Online 1-on-1 Consultation 線上小參
In exploring new ways to widely spread the Dharma while addressing individual needs, Shifu offered six hours of online Dharma consultations on September 14 and 15. Each participant had a 25-minute one-on-one session with Shifu. The 12 available spots filled quickly and were deeply appreciated by those who attended. As Shifu will be busy in Taiwan for the next three months, more personal consultations are planned for the beginning of next year.
佛法一方面要廣傳,一方面也要關注到個人修行需求,故見護師於 9/14,9/15 開放六小時的個人小參,每人25分鐘。12個位置立刻就滿了,有幸參與者皆得排疑解難,深感佛法可貴。因師父接下來台灣弘法行程密集,故答應將於明年一月開始繼續安排線上個人小參。屆時請把握機會。