Prajna Forest Monastery: Aug, 2024
Words from our Dharma Master 師父法語
青苔癡覆鐵軌寒 空山孤徑影獨䠨
只道盡頭禪心寂 一聲遠笛破雲端
Green moss blankets cold iron rails,
A shadow persists on empty mountain trails;
Seeking Zen quietude at journey's end,
A distant train whistle pierces the clouds.

Newly Uploaded 最新上傳開示:

Dharma Talk: edited transcript available on Prajna Dharma website
(「正念覺照與意向的重要」 英文開示文字檔已整理上傳般若法航網頁)

Prajna Forest Monastery Renovation Update 般若禪林整修進展:

Dedication and Teamwork
Jianhu Shifu joined a few dedicated volunteers for days of hands-on work, including interior and exterior cleaning, tree trimming, and debris hauling. Transformation of the property is gradual but definte. Shifu invites more to participate!
Below: Donated furnitures helped us create a small sanctuary.
An old fountain has been brought back to life, providing a serene and peaceful ambiance.

Glimpses of Joy

新鮮摘不完的黑莓。We can organize a blackberry-picking day in the future.
Hiking Trails 林間小徑
Hiking trails explore our beautiful natural forest. However they need restoration and maintainance first.

Solar System Installation Completed!


Upcoming events 近期活動:

Note all online live Q&A sessions, Sunday morning meditations, and half day meditations are open to everyone. (Some requires meditation experience.) Pass on this newsletter and event links to your friends!
1) 近期弘法活動:
☉ 9/21 10:00 - 12:00 溫哥華佛法問答/隨喜談禪
☉ 台灣三日禪修研習營
第一場 10/4~6 受念處研習營 每日 9:00~17:00
第二場 10/25~27 心念處研習營 每日 9:00~17:00
2) 半日禪 Online Half Day Meditation:
English 8/3/2024 Sat 13:00-17:00 Pacific Time
English 9/6/2024 Sat 13:00-17:00 Pacific Time
中文 8/17/2024 週六 13:00-17:00 美國太平洋時間
3) 台灣半日禪
8/4/2024 周日 8-12 (台灣時間) 北中南各有地點
9/1/2024 周日 8-12 (台灣時間) 北中南各有地點
4) 佛法線上問答/ Online Dharma Q&A
☉ 中文佛法問答
周五 8/16/2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm 美國太平洋時間
周五 9/13/2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm 美國太平洋時間
會議 ID: 895 8480 5632
密碼: Dharma
☉ 師父叮嚀:金剛經&緣起論課程結束,請回顧並選出其中三個重點,線上問答時,與大眾分享。
4) Online Dharma Q&A:
Sat, Aug 17 2024 9:00 - 10:30AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Sat, Sept 14 2024 9:00 - 10:30AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 884 7970 7921
Passcode: Dharma
* Enter your questions about Buddhism, meditation in .
Shifu asks you to contemplate on the following for the next Q&A:
Important insights you gained from the Heart Sutra course
Contemplate on: What is a life of freedom?
Find 3 approaches to properly educate kids

Past Events and Feedback

Jianhu Shifu hosted a series of retreats in Bay Area focused on the mindfulness of feelings and mindfulness of thought, practices aimed at enhancing their awareness and understanding of their emotions and thoughts, which had direct relevence to daily life. They were conducted in both Chinese and English.
?? I was blessed to attend the Prajna Dharma three-day retreat in Mountain View in July and listen to Venerable Master Jianhu Shifu’s Dharma talk on Mindfulness of Thoughts.
Shifu shared many practical Buddhist teachings and invited us to ask questions. Seizing this opportunity, I shared my challenge of dealing with my 93-year-old mother-in-law, whose overly critical and controlling personality has intensified with age. She consistently overwhelmed me with complaints, accused me of not doing things her way, and left me eager to escape her presence. My instinct is to minimize future visits, but this common approach only left her even more desperate and clingy when I do come by.
Shifu suggested that I start by reviewing her situation with empathy. As people age, their mental and cognitive functions deteriorate, leaving them fearful and confused. In these situations, don’t take their criticism personally. By having the right understanding, it’s easier to keep my ego in check and brush aside any negative reactions.
Furthermore, expecting my mother-in-law to behave the way I want is unrealistic. This delusional thinking will only lead to mutual suffering. Instead, I should accept the present situation and leave behind my own expectations. Perhaps her string of complaints is her attempt to prolong my stay; maybe I can redirect her with humorous stories and fun activities. Only when I pause and gain neutrality and clarity on the situation can I find the right path forward.
Shifu taught me that while I cannot control her behavior, I can choose how I react. By being mindful of my feelings and thoughts, I can find the right view and avoid succumbing to anger and frustration. Only by mastering my own mind can I change our unhealthy interaction and find a harmonious path forward. Instead of a miserable burden, I now have a great opportunity to practice Shifu’s teachings and grow.
?? 我我於2023年初,長期失眠造成了身體與情緒幾近崩潰。由此,對佛法也產生了懷疑:為何十餘年的精進用功,仍使我陷入失控?佛法不是說"能度一切苦厄"嗎?佛法真的能幫助到我嗎?